
Experience the Kuantan Street Arts with Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR)

Experience Kuantan Street Arts in Virtual Reality

Take amazing picture at Kuantan Street Arts with Augmented Reality (AR) technology

How to watch VR

No Headset

You can watch VR experiences through our website or apps. Unlike a typical player on the internet, these experiences allow you to change your perspective or alter the video in some way. This can be done by rotating your phone giving you a magic window into the world, or by clicking and dragging on the website and apps.

Mobile Headset

These require you to place your mobile device inside the headset. When doing so, you are able to look around you and hear behind you. Some headsets also come with a remote controller making it easy to navigate.

How to use AR apps

Download apps

Download apps from the Apple Store & Google Play Store by searching 'Kuantan Street Art Camera'

Scan the arts

Scan the arts at Kuantan Street Art and wait for the object appear on the screen


Take the picture and video and share with your family and friends



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